Other Protective Measures

You work hard to accumulate your assets. Spending a little time, effort, and energy toward protecting those assets makes sense. In today's society, there are so many threats to consider that taking active measures to protect your financial assets is more critical than ever. Of course, good asset protection seeks to protect your assets from those who would take them from you and from excessive taxes, fees, fines, etc. Here's what you need to know about protection measures available for some of the more common threats the "Information Age" affords.

Emergency Funds as a First Line of Defense

Your first line of defense is a robust rainy-day fund. This fund should include easily accessible cash for everyday emergencies so that one bad break, accident, or financial emergency doesn't derail your entire financial plan. The best avenue for this is a savings account that allows you to access funds 24/7 via debit card or wire transfers. You can immediately access the cash in that account when needed rather than waiting for financial institutions to open or sell assets to accumulate the required funds.

Identity Theft Protection

In a world where data breaches are common, identity theft protection is crucial for safeguarding your financial assets and reputation. Investing in it is minor compared to the immense challenge of recovering from identity theft committed against you.

Aside from learning about the steps you can take to reduce your identity theft risks, there are services available to help you reduce your risks and respond quickly and decisively if you become the victim of identity theft. They include services like:

  • LifeLock
  • Aura
  • Identity Guard
  • IDShield
  • ID Watchdog

You'll have to compare offers and choose the one that most closely matches your needs and offers you the most peace of mind.

The Importance of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity combines behavior with hardware and software. As technology rapidly evolves, you must continuously update and monitor your cybersecurity strategies to keep pace with increasing threats and changing needs. Protecting personal and business assets is crucial, just as physical security protects your home and office. Cybersecurity includes safeguarding personal information, being cautious about sharing information online (like details about children's schools, local gyms, neighborhood organizations, vacation plans, and banking information), and utilizing technology to secure your networks and data. Effective cybersecurity practices involve using virtual private networks (VPNs), creating strong passwords, regularly changing passwords, updating antivirus software, and leveraging your computer's security features.

Safeguarding Your Property Assets

When it comes to property assets, from real estate to businesses, and even automobiles and more, it is critical to protect those assets from natural or accidental losses as well as from those who would seize them or steal them from you. There are many avenues you can use to protect your property assets, including the following:

  • Insurance. Auto, home, liability, umbrella, and even life insurance can be instrumental in protecting your assets in life and death.
  • Trusts. Domestic assets protection trusts can help protect your assets from creditors. They can protect real estate, business property, LLCs, cash, and stocks.
  • Retirement plans. Money held in a retirement plan is largely unavailable for creditors to seize – unless it gets seized for back taxes, delinquent alimony, and similar issues.
  • Estate planning. While not necessarily about protecting assets from bad actors, estate planning helps to ensure your assets are allocated as you wish if you die or become incapacitated.

As you can see, many avenues are available to you regarding safeguarding your assets. The more avenues you use, the safer your assets become.

Common Mistakes in Asset Protection

The most common mistake in asset protection is waiting until after the need arises to protect your assets. The best method is to be proactive and seek to protect your assets before a need arises.


Protecting assets can be demanding, especially if you're trying to catch up. To effectively guard against physical and virtual threats, take small daily steps. This proactive approach offers peace of mind by minimizing risks. If you feel behind, consider consulting a financial planner or attorney to explore new strategies for enhanced asset protection.

Financial Preparation and Recovery | Protecting Your Assets