Certifications and Continuing Education

Education is an investment in yourself and your future. Once gained, your education will always stay with you. While you may already have a degree that makes you competitive in your chosen field, certificates and continuing education provide invaluable knowledge and give you a competitive edge over others with similar degrees and experience. Here's what you need to know about certificates and continuing education to help you decide if this is a good fit for your life, career goals, and the future you want to create personally and professionally.

Understanding Certifications and Continuing Education

Continuing education certificates are non-degree certificates that represent additional coursework or practical experience in a specific field. Whether you hold a degree or wish to make yourself more competitive in your chosen vocation, obtaining a non-degree certificate may offer the competitive advantage you need to qualify for work promotions or seek new employment with more responsibility and better pay. It's a win-win situation.

However, in some professions and degree programs, pursuing continuing education can set you apart from your coworkers, demonstrating initiative and determination to seek certifications beyond your initial education and current experience. It is particularly relevant in fields such as computer science, where the constant evolution of programming languages, platforms, and other technologies provides certification opportunities that can be challenging but are highly rewarding. Obtaining these certifications can offer significant benefits to your career.

Of course, not all certificates and continuing education programs are about professional enrichment. Some help you pursue your interests and hobbies – or for personal enjoyment. That could be writing and editing workshops for aspiring writers, graphic artist certifications for aspiring artists, and more. You could even seek culinary certifications simply because you love specific cuisines and not because you hope to open a restaurant someday.

The Value of Certifications and Continuing Education

Aside from the personal satisfaction and fulfillment that continuing education provides, there are several potential practical benefits for continuing your education. These are a few worth considering:

  • The ability to earn a higher salary.
  • Opportunities for advancement in your current job or profession.
  • A competitive edge over coworkers and people vying for the same roles within your company.
  • Earning new respect from coworkers and peers.

The value and list of benefits of lifelong learning are limitless. Certificates and continuing education opportunities exist in practically every industry. No matter why you are considering continuing your education, an opportunity is likely available.

Investing in Certifications and Continuing Education

Thanks to the wide range of online schools and regular colleges and universities offering online classes (in addition to physical on-campus classes), investing the time you need to continue your education or earn a certificate that can further your interests have never been more accessible. Even without the professional component and potential benefits, there are personal benefits to consider when investing in certifications and continuing education that includes many of the following:

  • Personal satisfaction.
  • Growing confidence.
  • New connections (both personal and professional).
  • Discover new interests.
  • Explore hidden or previously unreached talents.
  • Learn new things.

For some people, gaining new knowledge is their reward for investing in certifications and continuing education. For others, it's a side benefit that only enhances the investment's value.

Benefits of Certifications and Continuing Education

You can't dismiss the benefits of certificates and continuing education on personal and professional levels. When it comes to your career, new certifications and education place you in prime positions for advancement within your organization, salary increases, promotions, and recognition. The benefits may not be as easy for others to see, but they will help guide you as you evolve into the person you wish to be.

Considerations when Choosing Programs

Education isn't exactly cheap. That doesn't mean it doesn't provide a fantastic return on investment. Before you dive into programs for certifications and continuing education, consider the following:

  • What is your reason for pursuing the education, and will the educational program help you accomplish your goal?
  • Can you afford the time and money to pursue the certification?
  • Is the return on your investment worth the price you'll pay for the certification?
  • Is the certifying institution reputable?
  • Do the classes and coursework fit within your current schedule?
  • Do you have the time and energy to devote to pursuing your certification?
  • Does your current employer offer financial assistance for continuing education?
  • Can you get financial aid from other resources to pursue your goals?

Knowing these questions' answers can help you decide if this is a solid choice.

Balancing Continuing Education with Other Commitments

Continuing education is a commitment of both time and money. It will take time away from other things you have going on in your life, including romantic interests, family commitments, work, and your social life. It will even take some of your "me" time away. However, the goal is to enjoy a favorable return on that investment by making sacrifices today to pursue a better future for all.


If you wait for the perfect time to pursue continuing education or professional certifications, you might wait forever. However, if you prioritize your education, there will never be a wrong time to consider it. You'll have to decide for yourself if the potential benefits outweigh the risks and the commitment necessary to accomplish your educational goals personally and professionally.

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